Crisis Response

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This series of public policy briefs focuses on the private sector and the financial crisis, assessing the policy responses, shedding light on financial reforms currently under debate, and providing insights for emerging-market policy makers.

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    Trust Less, Verify More
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2009-07) Briault, Clive
    Financial supervision will need to change in response to the causes of the financial crisis and the regulatory proposals arising from it. Supervisors will need to take a tougher and more challenging approach to the firms they regulate, exercise more supervisory judgment, involve themselves in macro-prudential oversight, and participate more actively in the supervision of firms with cross-border activities. Supervisors in all countries need to take up these challenges, notwithstanding differences in the style of supervision, in culture and legal tradition, in institutional and organizational structure, and in the powers and resources available to the supervisory agency.