Other Procurement Study
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Publication Anti-Corruption in Romania: The Way Forward(World Bank, Washington, DC, 2017-06) World BankThe report is organized as follows: the first chapter presents the status quo and diagnoses the reasons for continued corruption in Romania. It examines the perception of corruption by citizens and business along with the consequences. The chapter also proposes a ‘theory of change’ that can support Romania’s anti-corruption agenda in an integrated manner. The second chapter presents a brief analysis of the institutional and legislative framework for anti-corruption initiatives in Romania, highlighting the main achievements from the past years and remaining challenges ahead. The third chapter building on the framework proposed in the previous sections, this chapter proposes policy options to reduce the incentives for corruption, increase the chances of getting caught and enforce sanctions on the corrupt, while implementing measures to change social norms. The first section on reducing corruption proposes the introduction of a meritocratic civil service to make a shift from nepotism and politicization to performance and professionalization of the civil service. At the same time, increasing the transparency of government reduces the incentive for corruption because the decision-making and budget allocation is under scrutiny from citizens and civil society. A transparent government is also an enabling condition for accountable public institutions. Introducing a functioning feedback mechanism and inviting public participation will increase the chances that corrupt public servants, politicians and business people will be caught. At the same time, improving public procurement in accordance with the principles of competition, transparency and integrity, reduces the risks of corruption. The authors intend to use the framework contained in this report for broader engagement and to develop more in-depth sectorial analysis with relevant sector representatives. This could also include some of the priority areas, as proposed in the NAS, such as public procurement, healthcare, education, or management of EU Funds. In each of these areas, the report outlines the next steps that the current administration could take to make progress on anti-corruption in the coming years. The authors intend to partner with interested government institutions and international partners interested in making progress on this agenda to implement the report’s findings.Publication Kyrgyz Republic : Country Procurement Status Review(Washington, DC, 2012-08) World BankThe Country Procurement Status Review (CPSR) report was prepared on the basis of the findings from a joint World Bank (WB)/Asian Development Bank (ADB) mission that visited the Kyrgyz Republic in February 2012. The main objectives of the CPSR are: (a) to analyze the Kyrgyz public procurement system, including the existing legal framework, organizational responsibilities, control and oversight mechanisms, capacity, and current procedures and practices, as well as how well these work in practice; and (b) based on these analyses and review, to identify key areas for improvement in public procurement and prepare an action plan for implementation of related revisions to the public procurement system. The report has three chapters: (I) Introduction; (II) Assessment of the Public Procurement System; and (III) Recommendations and Action Plan. A summary of the main findings and recommendations is provided in the Executive Summary at the beginning of the report. The detailed assessment of the Baseline Indicators is provided in Annex C. Additional Provisions for National Competitive Bidding under WB-financed operations is provided in Annex D.Publication Kosovo : Operational Procurement Review(Washington, DC, 2004-06) World BankThis Operational Procurement Report (OPR) provides an assessment of the public-sector procurement system in Kosovo, including that on the legislative framework, the responsibilities and capacity of the institutions entrusted with regulatory and review powers, the efficacy of current procurement practices, and on the environment. The report makes recommendations to bring about legislative, institutional and procedural improvements in the conduct of public procurement, and to bolster the capacity of public-sector institutions to conduct procurement. The report also examines the performance of procurement in projects financed by the Bank, assesses the fiduciary risk to Bank funds from procurement operations in Kosovo, and makes recommendations for the design of procurement arrangements on new Bank-financed projects, and for future supervision of procurement to mitigate that risk. Among the various report recommendations, outlined are the enactment of a transitional legal instrument and completion of the legislative framework for public procurement. Furthermore, greater transparency and accountability of public officials conducting procurement transactions should be ensured, while technical capacity for public procurement should be built within the public sector. Most importantly, over the medium term, the new Law on Public Procurement should be amended.