Country Notes on Climate Change Aspects in Agriculture
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Panama - Country Note on Climate Change Aspects in Agriculture
2009-12, World Bank
This country note briefly summarizes information relevant to both climate change and agriculture in Panama, with focus on policy developments (including action plans and programs) and institutional make-up. Like most countries in Latin America, Panama has submitted one national communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with a second one under preparation. Land use change and forestry are by far the largest contributors to green house gas (GHG) emissions in the country. The emission reduction potential of the sector is large, but not sufficiently explored. Panama counts with only five Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects, none of which are in the agricultural sector. It is estimated that Central America produces less than 0.5 percent of global carbon emissions, but it is one the most vulnerable regions to climate change related impacts on the planet. Agriculture is highly vulnerable to climate variability and weather extremes, this coupled with problems of land degradation in the country. A greater emphasis on reducing soil degradation, reforestation and developing and applying adequate insurance mechanisms can be placed for better management of public resources in light of natural disasters in the agriculture sector.
Chile - Country Note on Climate Change Aspects in Agriculture
2009-12, World Bank
This country note briefly summarizes information relevant to both climate change and agriculture in Chile, with focus on policy developments (including action plans and programs) and institutional make-up. Like most countries in Latin America, Chile has submitted one national communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with a second one under preparation. Agriculture contributes little, in relative terms, to total green house gas (GHG) emissions and the mitigation potential in the sector is mainly related to afforestation and the sustainable management of native forests. Agriculture is highly vulnerable to weather extremes, in particular in the central parts of the country, where water scarcity is an issue. Desertification and soil erosion are some of the other major problems facing the country, though measures for reducing erosion are yielding positive results. A greater emphasis on developing and applying adequate insurance mechanisms can be placed for better management of public resources in light of natural disasters in the agriculture sector.
El Salvador - Country Note on Climate Change Aspects in Agriculture
2009-12, World Bank
This country note briefly summarizes information relevant to both climate change and agriculture in El Salvador, with focus on policy developments (including action plans and programs) and institutional make-up. Like most countries in Latin America, El Salvador has submitted one national communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with a second one under preparation. According to the national greenhouse gases (GHG) inventory (2000), land use change and forestry (LUCF) is the second largest contributor to GHG emissions in the country, after the energy sector. The emission reduction potential of the sector is large. El Salvador counts with six clean development mechanism (CDM) projects, none of which are in the agricultural sector. It is estimated that Central America produces less than 0.5 percent of global carbon emissions, but it is one the most vulnerable regions to climate change related impacts on the planet. Agriculture is highly vulnerable to climate variability and to observed climate change, this coupled with problems of land degradation in the country. A greater emphasis on recovering deforested or agricultural lands, reducing land degradation, reforestation and developing and applying adequate insurance mechanisms can be placed for better management of public resources in light of natural disasters in the agriculture sector.
Paraguay - Country Note on Climate Change Aspects in Agriculture
2009-12, World Bank
This country note briefly summarizes information relevant to both climate change and agriculture in Paraguay, with focus on policy developments (including action plans and programs) and institutional make-up. Like most countries in Latin America, Paraguay has submitted one national communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with a second one under preparation. Land use change and forestry are the largest contributors to green house gas (GHG) emissions in the country. The emission reduction potential is large and several reforestation programs have been initiated. Paraguay is among the few countries in Latin America without a single Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project, and carbon trading opportunities can be explored. Agriculture is highly vulnerable to climate variability, this coupled with problems of land degradation in the country. A greater emphasis on developing and applying adequate insurance mechanisms can be placed for better management of public resources in light of natural disasters in the agriculture sector.
Honduras - Country Note on Climate Change Aspects in Agriculture
2009-12, World Bank
This country note briefly summarizes information relevant to both climate change and agriculture in Honduras, with focus on policy developments (including action plans and programs) and institutional make-up. Like most countries in Latin America, Honduras has submitted one national communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with a second one under preparation. Land use change and forestry are by far the largest contributors to green house gas (GHG) emissions in the country. The emission reduction potential of the sector is large, but not sufficiently explored. Honduras counts with the largest number of registered CDM projects in Central America, 15 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects, of which three are in the agricultural sector. It is estimated that Central America produces less than 0.5 percent of global carbon emissions, but it is one the most vulnerable regions to climate change related impacts on the planet. In 2004, the United Nations identified Honduras among the first 20 most vulnerable countries in the world in terms of vulnerability to floods and the most vulnerable to hurricanes. Honduras was also identified as the most vulnerable country in Central America by the British society Maplecroft in their study titled 'vulnerability index to climate change.' Agriculture is highly vulnerable to climate variability and weather extremes, this coupled with problems of land degradation in the country. A greater emphasis on reducing soil degradation, reforestation and developing and applying adequate insurance mechanisms can be placed for better management of public resources in light of natural disasters in the agriculture sector.
Bolivia - Country Note on Climate Change Aspects in Agriculture
2009-12, World Bank
This country note briefly summarizes information relevant to both climate change and agriculture in Bolivia, with focus on policy developments (including action plans and programs) and institutional make-up. Like most countries in Latin America, Bolivia has submitted one national communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with a second one under preparation. Land use change and forestry, coupled with agriculture, are by far the largest contributors to green house gas (GHG) emissions in the country. The emission reduction potential of the sector is large, but not sufficiently explored. Bolivia counts with only two registered Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects, none of which is in the agricultural sector. Agriculture is highly vulnerable to climate variability and weather extremes and around a third of the population derives their livelihood from agricultural production. A greater emphasis on adaptation strategies, in particular those related to water harvest and sustainable land management, as well as developing and applying adequate insurance mechanisms can be placed for better management of public resources in light of natural disasters in the agriculture sector.