Africa Gender Innovation Lab
95 items available
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The Gender Innovation
Lab (GIL) conducts impact
evaluations of development
interventions in Sub-Saharan
Africa, seeking to generate
evidence on how to close
the gender gap in earnings,
productivity, assets and
agency. The GIL team is
currently working on over
50 impact evaluations in 21
countries with the aim of
building an evidence base
with lessons for the region.
95 results
Items in this collection
Publication Top Policy Lessons in Women’s Property Rights(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-12-17) World BankLand is the major source of income for most African households, particularly those engaged in agriculture. In the region, property rights over land are largely governed by informal customary systems. These systems, while deeply rooted in tradition, may not always provide sufficient security of tenure and are often influenced by patriarchal norms that disadvantage women. This brief synthesizes evidence from impact evaluations conducted by the Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL) in Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Mozambique, Rwanda, and Uganda. It offers insights on: (i) strategies to enhance women’s property rights over land, and (ii) the effects of these strengthened rights.Publication Combining Safe Spaces with Accompanying Measures: A Solution to Empower Adolescent Girls in Côte d’Ivoire(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-12-16) Boulhane, Othmane; Boxho, Claire; Cavagnero, Eleonora; Garcia-Meza, Alejandra Mia; Guerrero Horas, Olga; Kanga, Desiré; Karamoko, Djibrilla; Kouacou, Karine; Koussoubé, Estelle; Lemiere, Christophe; Harrit, Margareta Norris; Rouanet, Léa; Traore, Adama; Van Damme, JozefienThis cluster-randomized trial in Côte d’Ivoire examined multi-sectoral approaches to improving adolescent girls’ empowerment (AGE). Safe spaces offering life skills and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education were assessed alone and combined with livelihood support, male engagement (husbands’ clubs), and community leader involvement. Pairing safe spaces with both husbands’ clubs and community leader engagement had the strongest impacts, improving SRH, economic participation, decision-making, and marriage and childbearing outcomes. Safe spaces alone showed limited effects beyond SRH. Findings highlight the importance of fostering community support for gender norm change and ensuring cohesive messaging and high-quality implementation. Multi-sectoral strategies outperform standalone interventions in advancing AGE across multiple domains.Publication Admired in Theory, Pushed Out in Practice: Challenges Faced by Women Pursuing Work in Male-dominated Sectors in Guinea, Conakry(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-12-03) Pierotti, Rachael Susan; Cucagna, Maria Emilia; Pike, Isabel Grace Glasier; Mbaye, Mame SoukeyeIn Conakry, Republic of Guinea, women business owners in male-dominated sectors earn significantly more than their counterparts in sectors with a higher concentration of female entrepreneurs. This trend aligns with findings from the Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL), highlighting the potential economic benefits when women break traditional gender barriers in business. GIL’s recent qualitative research reveals positive social perceptions of women in these fields, with both men and women viewing them as courageous, challenging the idea that social disapproval is a significant barrier. However, beyond personal preferences and domestic duties often cited for women’s under-representation in male-dominated sectors, deeper constraints persist. Chief among these are the high startup capital requirements and the issues of paternalism and harassment that women frequently face. Policies aiming to boost women’s participation in these higher-earning sectors must address both entry barriers, like access to capital, and workplace retention issues, such as hostile work environments, to effectively reduce occupational gender segregation and close the wage gap.Publication GIL Top Policy Lessons on Social Protection(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-07-29) World BankWomen are often overrepresented among the poorest and the most vulnerable. Due to various factors limiting their opportunities, including care responsibilities and gender norms, many either remain outside the workforce or engage in informal employment within precarious sectors lacking crucial safeguards. The Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL) has been generating rigorous evidence to understand what works, and what does not, in supporting women with social protection interventions. This brief provides an overview of these key research findings from Sub-Saharan Africa, highlighting insights and design considerations from social protection programs that have demonstrated positive outcomes for women while also deriving conclusions from programs that don’t work.Publication GIL Top Policy Lessons on Empowering Adolescent Girls(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-05-31) World BankOverlapping crises such as climate change, the ongoing recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, regional conflicts and rising global food insecurity exacerbate the inequalities faced by adolescent girls, making them particularly vulnerable in these critical times. For many girls, these circumstances force them to make decisions about employment and their fertility at an early age, limits their access to formal education, and further exposes them to restrictive social norms. Additionally, domestic responsibilities limit adolescent girls’ time in school and educational achievement, in turn curtailing their ability to enter the labor force. With 60 percent of the total population of Africa under the age of 25, investing in empowering adolescent girls is critical to accelerate economic growth and reduce intergenerational poverty.Publication Top Policy Lessons in Agriculture(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-04-22) World BankIn Africa, agriculture is vital for employment and food security. Despite women contributing 40 percent of agricultural labor, they face barriers leading to significant gender gaps in productivity. Closing these gaps could unlock substantial economic gains, potentially boosting Nigeria's GDP by up to US$8.1 billion. Factors hindering female farmers include caregiving responsibilities, limited access to resources, and social norms. Impact evaluation evidence from the Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL) points toward policy solutions that can address many of these constraints and help female farmers reach their full potential, ultimately contributing to the broader economic development of the continent.Publication From Collateral to Cashflow: Expanding Access to Finance for Nigeria’s Female Business Owners(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-04-15) Gruver, Ariel; Koroknay-Palicz, Tricia; Papineni, Sreelakshmi; Shaikh, Sarmad; Zottel, SiegfriedWomen in Nigeria are starting and growing businesses at a remarkable rate offering a vast untapped market for business lending. The World Bank, through its Nigeria Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi), partnered with the Development Bank of Nigeria (DBN) and two commercial banks in Nigeria – Access Bank and Sterling Bank – to develop innovative credit solutions that expand access to finance for women entrepreneurs. This case study summarizes key lessons from this work, including an initial diagnostic; an assessment of demand for business loans; analysis of SMEs who applied to and/or received Access Bank cashflow loans; and administrative data from Access Bank’s cashflow loan program. Our objective is to provide insights into the successes and challenges of disbursing loans to women-led SMEs (WSMEs) in Nigeria. This research is being conducted in partnership with the World Bank’s Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL), which is also carrying out an impact evaluation that will capture how cashflow-based lending impacts male- vs female-led firms’ access to credit and business performance.Publication Enterprising Women: A Decade of Learning from Ethiopia’s Women Entrepreneurship Development Project (WEDP)(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-04-03) Buehren, Niklas; Papineni, Sreelakshmi; Rawlins, Marlon; Weis, ToniBeginning in 2012, Ethiopia’s first ever women-entrepreneur focused line of credit was established through the Women Entrepreneurship Development Project (WEDP). WEDP provides finance and business training for growth-oriented urban women entrepreneurs in Ethiopia with an aim to boost business earnings and employment. Over the ten years since inception, WEDP has expanded to operate across 18 Ethiopian cities, registering 60,000 women entrepreneurs into the program. As of February 2024, WEDP has provided more than 25,000 loans, and business training to over 30,000 women entrepreneurs. WEDP has also contributed to a wealth of learning and innovation, including research in partnership with the World Bank’s Gender Innovation Lab (GIL), and the Innovations in Financing Women Entrepreneurs (IFWE) project supported by Global Affairs Canada (GAC). In this brief the authors highlight key results from impact evaluations that were embedded into the WEDP operation and provide details of some of the innovations being tested.Publication Schoolgirls Not Brides: Secondary Education as a Shield Against Child Marriage(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-02-12) Giacobino, Hélène; Huillery, Elise; Michel, Bastien; Sage, MathildeChild marriage is recognized as a major burden in low-income countries, with severe consequences on women’s life trajectories. It is particularly pervasive in Niger, where middle school enrollment for girls is low, and dropouts are high. In the context of a multi-sectoral World Bank project, researchers evaluated the impact of a three-year intervention eliminating the financial and logistical barriers for girls admitted to middle school. Offering adolescent girls from vulnerable households in rural Niger scholarships and tutoring upon admission to middle school improved educational outcomes and wellbeing. Girls that received the program were 53 percent less likely to have dropped out of school at the time of follow up. They also reported a higher degree of life satisfaction. Importantly, there is no evidence that the positive effects on beneficiaries have been at the expense of non-beneficiaries. The program was effective in postponing girls’ marriage or engagement. Girls who received a scholarship program were 49 percent less likely to be married in the summer following their third year of middle school and 30 percent less likely to be engaged. The intervention raised girls’ educational and professional aspirations for themselves as well as parents’ aspirations for their daughter, plausibly due to changes in girls’ human capital and preferences. These results suggest that the intervention’s effects are likely to last beyond the mere duration of the scholarship.Publication Designing and Implementing Low-Cost Childcare Solutions: Lessons from the Africa Gender Innovation Lab(Washington, DC: World Bank, 2023-11-30) Cassidy, Rachel; Zighed, Roxane; Gokalp, Cansu BirceThis case study presents lessons learned by the Africa GenderInnovation Lab (GIL) and its partners from pilots of different models of low-cost childcare provision across four countries in Sub-Saharan Africa: mobile crèches in Burkina Faso and Cameroon, fixed-location crèches in Ethiopia, and community-based childcare centers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). We also share findings from qualitative research conducted to inform the design of a new community-based childcare pilot in Cameroon. This case study does not intend to prescribe best practices, but instead to provide examples of the key questions, challenges and solutions encountered by project teams.