IFC Annual Reports & Financial Statements

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International Finance Corporation is a member of the World Bank Group. IFC’s purpose is to create opportunity for people to escape poverty and improve their lives by: promoting open and competitive markets in developing countries, supporting companies and other private sector partners where there is a gap, helping generate productive jobs and deliver essential services to the underserved, and catalyzing and mobilizing other sources of finance for private enterprise development. To achieve our purpose, IFC offers development impact solutions through firm-level interventions (direct investments, Advisory Services, and IFC Asset Management Company), standard setting, and business-enabling environment work.

Items in this collection

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  • Publication
    IFC Financials and Projects 2014 : Big Challenges, Big Solutions
    (Washington, DC: World Bank Group, 2014-09-25) International Finance Corporation
    International Finance Corporation (IFC or the Corporation) is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in developing countries. Established in 1956, IFC is owned by 184 member countries, a group that collectively determines its policies. IFC is a member of the World Bank Group (WBG)1 but is a legal entity separate and distinct from IBRD, IDA, MIGA, and ICSID, with its own Articles of Agreement, share capital, financial structure, management, and staff. Membership in IFC is open only to member countries of IBRD. At the 2013 Spring Meetings, the WBG adopted two ambitious goals: to end extreme poverty by 2030 and to boost shared prosperity for the poorest 40 percent in developing countries. At the Annual Meetings in October 2013, the Board of Governors approved the first strategy for the WBG focused on delivery of transformational solutions, marshaling combined resources more effectively, and accelerating collaboration with the private sector and our development partners. IFC s strategic focus areas are: strengthening the focus on frontier markets; addressing climate change and ensuring environmental and social sustainability; addressing constraints to private sector growth in infrastructure, health, education, and the food-supply chain; developing local financial markets; and building long-term client relationships in emerging markets.
  • Publication
    IFC Annual Report 2014 : Big Challenges, Big Solutions
    (Washington, DC: World Bank Group, 2014) International Finance Corporation
    International Finance Corporation (IFC or the Corporation) is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in developing countries. Established in 1956, IFC is owned by 184 member countries, a group that collectively determines its policies. IFC is a member of the World Bank Group (WBG)1 but is a legal entity separate and distinct from IBRD, IDA, MIGA, and ICSID, with its own Articles of Agreement, share capital, financial structure, management, and staff. Membership in IFC is open only to member countries of IBRD. At the 2013 Spring Meetings, the WBG adopted two ambitious goals: to end extreme poverty by 2030 and to boost shared prosperity for the poorest 40 percent in developing countries. At the Annual Meetings in October 2013, the Board of Governors approved the first strategy for the WBG focused on delivery of transformational solutions, marshaling combined resources more effectively, and accelerating collaboration with the private sector and our development partners. IFC s strategic focus areas are: strengthening the focus on frontier markets; addressing climate change and ensuring environmental and social sustainability; addressing constraints to private sector growth in infrastructure, health, education, and the food-supply chain; developing local financial markets; and building long-term client relationships in emerging markets.
  • Publication
    IFC Annual Report 2010 : Where Innovation Meets Impact, Volume 2. IFC Financials, Projects, and Portfolio 2010
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2010) International Finance Corporation
    More than 200 million people in the developing world were out of work this year. Over 1 billion are hungry, while millions more are confronting the threat that climate change poses. The United Nations estimates that 884 million people don't have safe drinking water and more than 2.6 billion people lack basic sanitation. The population of the developing world will expand by a third over the next four decades, growth that will strain already weak infrastructure. In this environment, International Finance Corporation (IFC) is innovating to create opportunity where it's needed most. IFC committed a record $18 billion in fiscal year 2010, $12.7 billion of which was for own account. We invested in 528 projects, an 18 percent increase from FY09. Advisory Services portfolio comprised 736 active projects valued at more than $850 million, with annual expenditures totaling $268 million. Countries served by the International Development Association, or IDA, accounted for nearly half our investments 255 projects totaling $4.9 billion and more than 60 percent of Advisory Services expenditures. Sub-Saharan Africa accounted for 19 percent of our investment commitments and 25 percent of Advisory Services expenditures. The invested a record $1.64 billion in clean energy, leveraging $6.8 billion, while climate change related projects grew to 15 percent of the value of our Advisory Services portfolio. The investments in microfinance rose 10 percent to $400 million, expanding microfinance portfolio to $1.2 billion.
  • Publication
    IFC Annual Report 2010 : Where Innovation Meets Impact, Volume 1. Main Report
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2010) International Finance Corporation
    More than 200 million people in the developing world were out of work this year. Over 1 billion are hungry, while millions more are confronting the threat that climate change poses. The United Nations estimates that 884 million people don't have safe drinking water and more than 2.6 billion people lack basic sanitation. The population of the developing world will expand by a third over the next four decades, growth that will strain already weak infrastructure. In this environment, International Finance Corporation (IFC) is innovating to create opportunity where it's needed most. IFC committed a record $18 billion in fiscal year 2010, $12.7 billion of which was for own account. We invested in 528 projects, an 18 percent increase from FY09. Advisory Services portfolio comprised 736 active projects valued at more than $850 million, with annual expenditures totaling $268 million. Countries served by the International Development Association, or IDA, accounted for nearly half our investments 255 projects totaling $4.9 billion and more than 60 percent of Advisory Services expenditures. Sub-Saharan Africa accounted for 19 percent of our investment commitments and 25 percent of Advisory Services expenditures. The invested a record $1.64 billion in clean energy, leveraging $6.8 billion, while climate change related projects grew to 15 percent of the value of our Advisory Services portfolio. The investments in microfinance rose 10 percent to $400 million, expanding microfinance portfolio to $1.2 billion.
  • Publication
    IFC Annual Report 2009 : Creating Opportunity Where It's Needed Most, Volume 2. Financials, Projects, and Portfolio
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2009) International Finance Corporation
    International Finance Corporation (IFC) is an international organization, established in 1956, to further economic growth in its developing member countries by promoting private sector development. IFC's principal investment products are loans and equity investments, with smaller debt securities and guarantee portfolios. IFC also plays a catalytic role in mobilizing additional funding from other investors and lenders, either through co financing or through loan participations, underwritings, and guarantees. In addition to project finance, corporate lending and resource mobilization, IFC offers an array of financial products and advisory services to private businesses in the developing world to increase their chances of success. It also advises governments on how to create an environment hospitable to the growth of private enterprise and foreign investment. IFC raises virtually all of the funds for its lending activities through the issuance of debt obligations in the international capital markets, while maintaining a small borrowing window with International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). The management discussion and analysis contains forward looking statements which may be identified by such terms as 'anticipates,' 'believes,' 'expects,' 'intends,' 'plans' or words of similar meaning. Such statements involve a number of assumptions and estimates that are based on current expectations, which are subject to risks and uncertainties beyond IFC's control. Consequently, actual future results could differ materially from those currently anticipated.
  • Publication
    IFC Annual Report 2008 : Creating Opportunity, Volume 1
    (Washington, DC, 2008) International Finance Corporation
    The International Finance Corporation (IFC) annual report continues an approach pioneered last year, combining information on the investments and advisory services, sustainability, development effectiveness, and donor partnerships. The report covers fiscal 2008 (July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008) and discusses the year's new business as well as the performance and development results of the portfolio. In FY08, new investments totaled $16.2 billion, rising 34 percent from the previous year. The IFC seeks to enhance the accountability and to articulate the vision, core corporate values, purpose, and the way the IFC works for a wide range of stakeholders: client companies, governments, partners, local communities affected by the activities, advocacy organizations, investors, and the staff.
  • Publication
    IFC Annual Report 2008 : Creating Opportunity, Volume 2. IFC 2008 Financials, Projects, and Portfolio
    (Washington, DC, 2008) International Finance Corporation
    The International Finance Corporation (IFC) annual report continues an approach pioneered last year, combining information on the investments and advisory services, sustainability, development effectiveness, and donor partnerships. The report covers fiscal 2008 (July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008) and discusses the year's new business as well as the performance and development results of the portfolio. In FY08, new investments totaled $16.2 billion, rising 34 percent from the previous year. The IFC seeks to enhance the accountability and to articulate the vision, core corporate values, purpose, and the way the IFC works for a wide range of stakeholders: client companies, governments, partners, local communities affected by the activities, advocacy organizations, investors, and the staff.
  • Publication
    IFC Annual Report 2006 : Increasing Impact, Volume 1
    (Washington, DC, 2006) International Finance Corporation
    The International Finance Corporation (IFC), in its 50th year, is the largest provider of multilateral financing for private sector projects in the developing world. In fiscal 2006, it committed $6.7 billion in funds from its own account and mobilized an additional $1.6 billion through syndications and $1.3 billion through structured finance. Based on the total costs of the private sector projects it helped finance this year, each $1 in IFC commitments for its own account resulted in an additional $2.88 in funding from other sources. Altogether, IFC supported 284 investment projects in 66 countries. This year nearly a quarter of IFC commitments were in low-income or high-risk countries, demonstrating the viability of private enterprise even in difficult environments. IFC's investment commitments to firms operating in the Middle East and North Africa more than doubled in fiscal 2006, and commitments for private sector projects in Sub-Saharan Africa increased nearly 60 percent. IFC introduced a new development outcome tracking system for investment operations to measure and track results throughout the life of a project; a similar system was implemented to monitor the development impact of all active technical assistance and advisory projects.
  • Publication
    IFC 2004 Annual Report : Adding Value to Private Sector Investment, Volume 1
    (Washington, DC, 2004) International Finance Corporation
    For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) expanded its sustainable development impact through private sector project financing operations and advisory activities. This year the Board of Directors approved a number of investments and maintained close oversight of development and implementation of IFC strategy. The Board was heavily involved in discussion of IFC's strategic directions, which outline the overall framework for future IFC activities. The Board urged IFC to collaborate more closely with other World Bank Group institutions, especially in providing technical assistance on the business climate and private sector development. In this regard, Directors were pleased to note the increased cooperation between IFC and IDA in Africa. The Board also reviewed country-specific operations and discussed 15 joint World Bank-IFC-MIGA country assistance strategies and related products. Directors noted the challenges in both maintaining profitability and increasing development impact, and they reaffirmed their support of IFC's focus on frontier markets, with a particular emphasis on small and medium enterprises; innovative financing mechanisms; "south-to-south" investments; long-term partnerships; infrastructure; and health and education. Specific issues Directors discussed with IFC management include the update of the IFC's Safeguard Policies and associated guidelines, the review of IFC's Policy on Disclosure of Information, an assessment of IFC's strategy and procedures for donor funded operations, and, in conjunction with other units of the World Bank Group, the Extractive Industries Review. These discussions were ongoing into FY05, along with a proposal to establish a technical assistance and advisory fund to provide sustainable financial support for the Corporation's growing technical assistance activities.
  • Publication
    IFC 2004 Annual Report : Adding Value to Private Sector Investment, Volume 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis, Financial Statements, and Investment Portfolio
    (Washington, DC, 2004) International Finance Corporation
    For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) expanded its sustainable development impact through private sector project financing operations and advisory activities. This year the Board of Directors approved a number of investments and maintained close oversight of development and implementation of IFC strategy. The Board was heavily involved in discussion of IFC's strategic directions, which outline the overall framework for future IFC activities. The Board urged IFC to collaborate more closely with other World Bank Group institutions, especially in providing technical assistance on the business climate and private sector development. In this regard, Directors were pleased to note the increased cooperation between IFC and IDA in Africa. The Board also reviewed country-specific operations and discussed 15 joint World Bank-IFC-MIGA country assistance strategies and related products. Directors noted the challenges in both maintaining profitability and increasing development impact, and they reaffirmed their support of IFC's focus on frontier markets, with a particular emphasis on small and medium enterprises; innovative financing mechanisms; "south-to-south" investments; long-term partnerships; infrastructure; and health and education. Specific issues Directors discussed with IFC management include the update of the IFC's Safeguard Policies and associated guidelines, the review of IFC's Policy on Disclosure of Information, an assessment of IFC's strategy and procedures for donor funded operations, and, in conjunction with other units of the World Bank Group, the Extractive Industries Review. These discussions were ongoing into FY05, along with a proposal to establish a technical assistance and advisory fund to provide sustainable financial support for the Corporation's growing technical assistance activities.