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Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa, home to more than 1 billion people, half of whom will be under 25 years old by 2050, is a diverse ...

Items in this collection

Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Publication
    Social Assistance Programs and Household Welfare in Eswatini: Study Brief
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2021-12-17) World Bank
    This study brief on “Social Assistance Programs and Household Welfare in Eswatini” examines the performance of Eswatini’s main social assistance programs. These programs employ varying combinations of categorical and self-targeting to reach the poor and vulnerable.
  • Publication
    Epidemic Projections and Opportunities to Accelerate Control of Tuberculosis in Mozambique: Findings from an Optima Modelling Analysis
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2021-09-08) World Bank
    Mozambique is one of the thirty highest tuberculosis (TB) burden countries in the world with respect to total incidence. Active case finding programs in Mozambique have been expanding, and community-based efforts now account for around twenty-five percent of detected cases. This involves both contact tracing of notified cases and other community-level interventions such as active house-to-house screening and testing, mobile van outreach in TB hotspots, and screening and testing of community health workers. However, there are opportunities for further expansion. This policy brief summarizes the findings of an allocative efficiency analysis using the Optima TB model, and highlights opportunities to maximize the impact of TB spending in Mozambique.
  • Publication
    COVID-10 Impact Monitoring: Malawi, Round 12
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2021-09) World Bank
    In May 2020, the National Statistical Office (NSO), with support from the World Bank, launched the High-Frequency Phone Survey on COVID-19 (coronavirus), which tracks the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic on a monthly basis for a period of 12 months. The survey aimed to recontact the entire sample of households that had been interviewed during the Integrated Household Panel Survey (IHPS) 2019 round and that had a phone number for at least one household member or a reference individual. This report presents the findings from the twelfth round of the survey that was conducted during the period of June 14 - June 30, 2021.
  • Publication
    COVID-19 Impact Monitoring: Malawi, Round 11
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2021-07) World Bank
    The COVID-19 pandemic has socio-economic impacts on Malawians and there is need for timely data to monitor these impacts and support response efforts to the pandemic. In May 2020, the National Statistical Office (NSO), with support from the World Bank, launched the High Frequency Phone Survey on COVID-19; a monthly survey of a nationally representative sample of households previously interviewed as part of the Malawi Integrated Household Panel Survey to monitor the economic impact of the pandemic and other shocks. This brief presents the findings from the tenth and eleventh rounds of the Malawi High-Frequency Phone Sur-vey on COVID-19 (HFPS COVID-19) conducted between the 29th of April and the 9th of June 2021.
  • Publication
    Harnessing Momentum: Priority Areas of Intervention to Further Strengthen Malawi’s Health Sector
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2020-11) World Bank
    Malawians are healthier and live longer than they ever have. Achieving universal health coverage in a sustainable and equitable way is the main goal of Malawi’s health sector reform plan, and an essential health package (EHP) free at the point of use is the government’s primary tool to achieve this. Malnutrition also remains an ongoing challenge. Malawi’s Second Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP) for 2017-2022, identifies a set of interventions necessary to further improve health outcomes, and to ensure the delivery of quality, equitable, affordable and patient-centred health care services. Malawi’s 2018-2019 Harmonised Health Facility Assessment (HHFA), conducted by the government of Malawi with support from international health and development agencies, provides a comprehensive including government, faith-based, CHAM (Christian Health Association of Malawi) and private for-profit facilities between November 2018 and March 2019. This policy brief draws from this assessment, as well other research, identifying the most important policy interventions needed to achieve key health targets over the coming years.