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  • Publication
    Thailand Monthly Economic Monitor, 30 July 2024
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-07-31) World Bank
    Recent indicators of economic activity point to a gradual recovery, supported by improvement in manufacturing production, goods exports, and tourism. The number of tourist arrivals expanded, nearing pre-pandemic levels. However, private consumption moderated. Growth is projected to accelerate from 1.9 percent in 2023 to 2.4 percent in 2024. The Bank of Thailand has maintained a neutral policy rate and anticipates inflation to return to its target by Q4 2024. The banking sector remained stable with adequate buffers, though vulnerabilities in household debt and small and medium enterprise (SME) non-performing loans (NPLs) persist. The government has approved a flagship Digital Wallet program, expected to boost gross domestic product (GDP) in the short term and rolled out a soft loan program to support SMEs. The Thai baht depreciated due to delays in the Fed’s easing cycle and ongoing concerns about the Thai economy.
  • Publication
    Missing School - The Effect of Crises on Students and Teachers in Pakistan
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-06-03) Isa, Sana; D'Angelo, Sophia; Barón, Juan D.
    Pakistani children have faced nationwide and severe disruptions to their schooling over the past several years, first due to the COVID-19 pandemic and then the 2022 floods. Given the country’s vulnerability to climate change, these disruptions are likely to increase. This note explores the government’s response to COVID-19 and school closures in Pakistan; it shows how data disaggregated by gender, household location, and other variables can inform a more effective and inclusive education response and build the education system’s resilience to future emergencies.
  • Publication
    Health Information Systems Assessment for Health Systems Strengthening in Bangladesh: Policy Brief
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-04-23) Asangansi, Ime; Mohammed-Roberts, Rianna; Hannan, Maksudul; Hulse, Matt; Nasim, Asib
    Over the last two decades, Bangladesh has made significant progress in improving its routine health information systems (HIS). The goal of the Bangladesh HIS is to provide accurate and timely health data required for effective decision making. The HIS thus plays a crucial role in strategic planning and is an essential component of sound program development, implementation, and monitoring, upon which improved health outcomes depend. Indeed, Bangladesh has recorded notable progress across a range of health outcomes, especially the maternal and child health outcomes over the last two decades. However, the COVID-19 pandemic can derail progress. Decades of progress in developing the health system as well as the HIS can potentially be affected. Generating adequate evidence from a properly functioning HIS is important in guiding the country’s continuous efforts to mitigate against adverse effects and sustaining progress. In this context, understanding the impact of COVID-19 on essential health and nutrition services (EHNS) including the data on key indicators at the national and sub-national levels (regional and district-wise) is a prerequisite for evidence-based policy making. Against this backdrop, an HIS assessment was commissioned with the primary objective of supporting the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) in strengthening the quality of its routinely reported administrative data. Specifically, the assessment is focused on: (a) a review of the existing HIS at the two service delivery channels of the MOHFW, Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) and the Directorate General of Family Planning (DGFP); and (b) development of a roadmap for HIS strengthening considering long term sustainability and a culture of information use as major goals.
  • Publication
    Nepal Crisis Preparedness Gap Analysis: Policy Brief
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-03-13) World Bank
    Crisis preparedness is cral to preventing shocks from becoming crises. Investments in ex ante preparedness are especially relevant in countries like Nepal that face high levels of exposure and vulnerability to a range of risks. In seeking to identify opportunities to strengthen the Government of Nepal’s (GoN’s) capacity to prepare for crisis events in an effective and timely manner, this Technical Annex presents findings from the application of the Crisis Preparedness Gap Analysis (CPGA) diagnostic in the country. It provides details on findings and entry points across the five componnts of crisis preparedness. For a summary, please refer to the accompanying CPGA Nepal Briefing Note. Following a brief description of the CPGA methodology, the Technical Annex presents a summary of findings from each CPGA component alongside identification of entry points and opportunities to strengthen crisis preparedness in the country. To provide a holistic assessment of preparedness, the CPGA focuses on five core components of crisis preparedness. These are (i) Legal and Institutional Foundations, (ii) Understanding and Monitoring Risks, (iii) Financial Preparedness, (iv) Primary Response, and (v) Social and Livelihood Support.
  • Publication
    Thailand Monthly Economic Monitor, February 2024
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-03-11) World Bank
    Thailand's economic recovery lagged further behind ASEAN peers as growth was a disappointing 1.7 percent in the fourth quarter and resulted in slower annual growth of 1.9 percent in 2023. Growth was hampered by weak external sector and delayed budget approval. In December, economic activity softened due to weak manufacturing, investment, and goods export. Inflation remained negative for the third consecutive month due to falling energy and food prices as well as energy subsidies. In this context, the Bank of Thailand held its policy rate. The fiscal deficit decreased due to the delayed budget approval. In January, the Thai baht remained stable against major trading partners, despite significant net foreign portfolio outflows.
  • Publication
    Philippines Monthly Economic Developments, January 2024
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2024-02-13) World Bank
    The economy expanded by 5.6 percent year-on-year in Q4 2023 as robust private consumption continued to fuel growth, while the recovery of tourism buoyed the expansion of services. The cumulative fiscal deficit declined in November 2023, while low external demand dampened goods exports, which weighed on manufacturing output growth. The unemployment rate fell to a 15-year low in November, supported by strong domestic demand during the holidays, yet job quality remains a concern.
  • Publication
    Understanding Socioeconomic Factors in Climate Change Awareness and Action
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2023-12-05) Asad, Saher; Dahlin, Lauren N.; Barón, Juan D.
    Climate change has profoundly affected Pakistan, manifesting in altered weather patterns and devastating floods. According to projections, Pakistan’s gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to decrease by a minimum of 18 to 20 percent by 2050 due to severe climate-related occurrences, environmental deterioration, and air contamination. This policy note presents findings from a phone survey that explores the socio-economic factors influencing the level of concern and likelihood of action regarding climate change.
  • Publication
    GeneXpert Machines in Vietnam: Applying an Optimization Model to Improve Use of Diagnostic Equipment to Fight Infectious Diseases
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2023-08-23) Bathanti, Jacob; Salazar, Elizabeth
    Many governments struggle with how to efficiently, effectively, and equitably allocate medical supplies and equipment. Medical supplies and equipment can be expensive and prone to mismatches in use, context, and the level of expertise needed to operate them. Optimizing allocation is particularly important considering resource scarcity in many developing countries. Therefore, generating evidence to inform efficient, effective, and equitable allocation of medical supplies and equipment to maximize the benefits of scarce and often in-demand resources is crucial for improving medical care around the world. This case study examines how the World Bank financed Investing and Innovating for Grassroots Health Service Delivery project used optimization analysis to determine the best allocation of TB diagnosis machines. Identifying and combining relevant datasets and applying these within a well-defined algorithm, with the agreement of key stakeholders, enabled the national and provincial governments of Vietnam to determine where machines could be placed for maximum impact to enable and promote efficient use of expensive medical equipment.
  • Publication
    Thailand Monthly Economic Monitor, July 2023
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2023-07-24) World Bank
    The economy maintained moderate expansion, driven by private consumption and tourism. Declining inflation alleviated pressure on living costs and supported private consumption. However, goods exports as well as manufacturing production and investment contracted due to weak external demand. Public debt remained stable;a decrease in budget deficit financing was offset by increased borrowing to support the State Oil Fund. In June, the Thai baht depreciated compared to major ASEAN currencies, primarily due to an all-year high current account deficit.
  • Publication
    Children and Their Families Six Months After Pakistan’s Floods
    (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2023-07-11) Dahlin, Lauren; Barón, Juan D
    From June to August 2022, heavy monsoon rains caused severe flooding in nearly one-third of Pakistan. By February 2023, flood waters have receded in most areas, allowing for rebuilding to begin after widespread losses. Using a new round of household phone survey data, this note documents the progress and pain points in rebuilding human capital in Pakistan after the floods, building upon the findings from the first-round survey. Both rounds of the survey focus on the impacts of the floods on children and families. Specifically, this note focuses on groups who may be left behind as others recover. The note also examines indicators of recovery of particular relevance to children. Findings suggest that policymakers could ensure relief reaches the areas hardest hit by flooding and target at-risk groups in specific intervention areas.