Other Infrastructure Study

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  • Publication
    Mobilizing Private Finance for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2018-02) Abousleiman, Issam A.; Thompson Araujo, Jorge; Abousleiman, Issam A.; Thompson Araujo, Jorge
    The Latin America and the Caribbean Region (LAC) has the largest stock of active PPP investments and the largest pipeline of infrastructure projects by volume globally, reflecting the central role of the private sector in the regional development agenda. Looking ahead, the region is making efforts to close the estimated US$180 billion per year investment gap with further private sector resources by: (i) improving the enabling environment for private investments to take place; and (ii) developing a robust pipeline of bankable projects. The WBG is well-placed to assist the region with financial support and knowledge services, as illustrated by the examples selected for part three of this report.
  • Publication
    Back to Planning: How to Close Brazil's Infrastructure Gap in Times of Austerity
    (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2017-07-12) Clarke, Roland; Raiser, Martin; Procee, Paul; Briceno-Garmendia, Cecilia; Kikoni, Edith; Kizito, Joseph; Vinuela, Lorena
    Why does Brazil continue to lag its peers in the quality of physical infrastructure? What are the implications for growth prospects? What could be done to close the infrastructure gap? These are the key questions addressed in this new report on infrastructure in Brazil. The key argument of the report is that Brazil needs to improve its capacity to plan and prioritize its infrastructure investments. Poorly prioritized and prepared infrastructure investments are a key reason why successive government programs, often with significant budget allocations, have had limited impact. Insufficient planning efforts have meant that what investment takes place has done little to reduce glaring inefficiencies and losses. With more efforts upstream to prepare a robust pipeline of projects, Brazil is in an excellent position to attract commercial financing to its infrastructure. With more attention to sector planning and governance, losses could be reduced and the effective resources available to infrastructure could be roughly doubled. This in turn would help boost growth and improve the quality of public services without the need for much additional public money. The report analyzes recent government measures such as the creation of the PPI and develops recommendations how infrastructure can become an engine of economic recovery in Brazil.