Other Infrastructure Study

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Morocco Infrastructure Review

2020-05, World Bank Group

Over the last twenty years, Morocco has invested massively in infrastructure. At the macroeconomic level, total investment of between 25 percent and 38 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) occurred between 2001 and 2017, one of the highest rates of investment globally. Much of this investment has gone into infrastructure, and more than half of it was undertaken by the public sector (treasury, public enterprises and local authorities). Morocco is also among countries receiving the most official development assistance relative to GDP, half of which is invested in infrastructure. The investments have created more reliable supply chains, improved access to markets and basic services, and increased productivity. Following this executive summary, chapter one reviews the quantity and quality of infrastructure services in Morocco and the notable achievements that the country has made in this regard; chapter two discusses Morocco’s infrastructure challenges; chapter three describes Morocco’s infrastructure investment needs and macroeconomic constraints; and, chapter four discusses proposed cross-cutting reforms. Appendix A provides key indicators for each infrastructure sector, Appendix B provides sector specific recommendations and lists selected projects in the infrastructure pipeline, and Appendix C explains the methodology used to derive the infrastructure investment estimates.

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Investing in Logistics for Sustainable Economic Growth: Background Studies for the Preparation of Cambodia Logistics Master Plan

2018-10, World Bank Group

The World Bank prepared three background studies as inputs for the development of the Cambodia Logistics Master Plan led by the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) in 2017–2018. These studies benefit from a close coordination and collaboration with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) that focused its assessment on transport infrastructure and connectivity. The key findings and recommendations are summarized into four parts in respect of the three background studies: (a) an update of trade competitiveness, (b) a review of the legal and regulatory framework of the logistics sector in Cambodia, and (c) a design of the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework for the proposed Cambodia Logistics Master Plan.

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Tunisia Infrastructure Diagnostic

2019-12, World Bank Group

Tunisia’s has made significant investments in infrastructure, which has contributed to economic growth. The investments have enabled reasonably good access to basic infrastructure services. While access rates are high, the relative quality of Tunisia’s infrastructure has deteriorated significantly over the last ten years. State-owned enterprises (SOEs), which dominate the infrastructure sector, receive considerable subsidies and incur notable financial losses. Overall, there is a heavy reliance on external borrowing to fund infrastructure investment, which creates contingent liabilities, and enhances foreign exchange and macro-economic risk. Chapter one provides an overview of Tunisia’s infrastructure performance; chapter two discusses each sub-sector in more detail in terms of achievements and challenges; chapter three looks at historical trends in spending followed by a scenario analysis of investment needs with anecdotal examples, and discusses the present macro-economic and fiscal constraints; and chapter four presents possible action items for further discussion with the Tunisian government.

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The Russian Federation - An Exploratory Assessment of Transport Connectivity

2017-06-12, World Bank Group

This study describes the performance of the sector vis-à-vis socioeconomic features of regions and discusses whether the development of market opportunities is limited by the availability of transport.Specifically, this study has two main objectives. First, it provides an exploratory assessment of transport connectivity in Russia. Second, it assesses the impact of improved transport productivity on the Russian economy and whether such an improvement has different economic impacts in various regions of the country. The study is complemented by a market/industry analysis and the performance of transport infrastructure in two selected regions : Zabaikalsky Krai and Khabarovsk Krai. Transport connectivity, as defined in this study, mainly focuses on freight transport and not so much on how passengers in different parts of the country are able to access transport services. Furthermore, while this study assesses general relationships between transport connectivity and economic outcomes—such as growth, poverty, and productivity it does not intend to formally or empirically establish a causal relationship between these variables. Expectedly, the average economic distance to market is much less in the well-connected western and central regions than in the more isolated eastern and northern regions. An increase in transport efficiency, resulting from reduction of travel time or technological progress,can have a different impact on regional productivity and welfare. This study presents some preliminary results of a simulation of a positive shock in transport efficiency using a regional general equilibrium analysis for Russia. International surveys of manufacturing and services firms provide mixed evidence of the importanceof transport for firm productivity in Russia.For a country as a large as Russia, it does not suffice to provide an explanation of connectivity in thewhole territory. However, isolated regions, at least those located in areas far from markets in the European side of Russia, may not necessarily be “transport disconnected” from their markets. Finally, it is important to note that in a large country like Russia achieving a good level of connectivity depends both on the density of the national transport network and the level of population dispersion.This report is divided into two parts. Part one considers the provision of transport services at the national level. We first summarize selected studies of the impact of transport services on economic growth and development, then discuss some relevant characteristics of Russia’s provision of transport services andtransport sector performance. Part two of the report develops two case studies.

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Egypt: Enabling Private Investment and Commercial Financing in Infrastructure

2018-12-01, World Bank Group

In 2016 the Government of Egypt (GoE) has embarked on an ambitious and much needed transition towards a better economic policy. While the macroeconomic stability and market confidence have been largely restored, the overall fiscal situation remains challenging. With limited fiscal space, solely relying on public resources to fund infrastructure investments, will no longer be a viable strategy to meet the country's needs. Building on the success of attracting private investment in renewables and natural gas sector, there is significant potential for replicating the success across other infrastructure sectors. Egypt has recognized that in order to raise competitiveness, increase investments in human capital, and sustain the benefits of the homegrown reform; it will need to continuously shift its development model towards creating an enabling environment for the private sector to invest more, export more and generate more jobs. Starting with Energy, Transport, Water and Sanitation and Agriculture, this report highlights the tremendous potential and opportunities available in each of these sectors. Additionally, it also presents a roadmap for sectoral transformation, whilst highlighting the cross-cutting enabling and functional activities required to facilitate this transition.

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Shifting into Higher Gear: Recommendations for Improved Grain Logistics in Ukraine

2015-08, World Bank Group

This study was conceived on the basis of a request by Ukraine’s Ministry of Agricultural Policies and Food (MoAPF). In 2013, the MoAPF explored the World Bank’s interest for investing in grain hoppers, following a deficit of hoppers and concerns about related difficulties for grain transport. In response, the World Bank secured resources from the Multi Donor Trust Fund for Trade and Development (TF016693) to carry out a review of grain logistics in Ukraine in order to better understand the challenges facing the sector. The objectives of this report are to assess the functioning of the grain logistics system, identify bottlenecks and put forward practical recommendations for investments and reform. Research points to five key drivers of current high logistics costs: (i) lack of regulatory clarity and sub-optimal management of public assets that create barriers to private investments; (ii) underutilization of river transport, (iii) underinvestment in rail transport; (iv) inefficiencies in storage management, and (v) excessive use of road transport. However, there are two important limitations of the report that should be taken into account. First, the ongoing crisis remains a source of uncertainty. It has so far had limited impact on grain production and logistics, yet access to finance has become more difficult and other impacts might arise in the future. Second, there are two areas that the report does not address: customs and ports. Both are important elements of logistics costs and deserve a comprehensive analysis in the future.